Debbie Haggin would love to speak to your group at at your event


My name is Debbie Marie Haggin and I’m Transformational speaker with a big heart for helping others live their lives to the fullest potential. I find it disheartening when people don’t truly realize how special they are. To live the life you were born to live, you need to be able to let go of what is holding you back.​

What is holding you back? It could be things others have said to you in the past that you’ve believed to be true. It’s hard to imagine this is the truth, but when other people tell us we’re not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not good enough; we tend to believe it. Those beliefs then stick in our minds. They help to mold who we think we are.

This is not the truth! The truth is that we are all smart, beautiful, and good enough. Actually, more than enough. The sad part is, we’re rarely taught how to look at ourselves through the eyes of someone who knows and loves us fully for who we are. We get so wrapped up in comparing ourselves to others, trying to measure up to someone else’s definition of who we should be.

I truly believe all of our gifts are gems. Gems, like any beautiful item, are a treasure and meant to be shared with the world. It’s my goal as a speaker, mentor, and friend to help people understand this. My presentations help people to see their true self and inner beauty. All of us were made to become the person as God knows us. Once we can start to understand what that means, we can restore ourselves.

You are an amazing person. You have great qualities and were meant to shine, like a gem. If you’d like to be a part of this enlightening experience, come to one of my talks. This process of self-discovery has helped many people get past issues that have been built up over years of neglect and sabotage. Again, I’m Debbie Haggin. I’m looking forward to encouraging a rebirth of yourself to see who you are truly meant to be.

I’m available for speaking engagements on the topics of:

  • Discovering the Person You Were Born to Be

  • Stepping into the True You: Living Powerfully and Joyfully

  • Three Keys to Prospering through Extraordinary Customer Service in Business and Career


If you would like more information on having
Debbie Haggin speak, please fill out form.